Monday, December 16, 2013

How Long Will I Love You

My boyfriend's latest fave is Ellie Goulding. The one that had a duet with Calvin Harris in I Need Your Love.

      Image: Ellie Goulding&Calvin Harris. Image from: 

Currently, she released her remake song of How Long Will I Love You. A cover song of 1990's The Waterboys. Originally written by Mike Scott.
     Image: The Waterboys Back Cover Album. HLWILY at #12. Image source:

Here's the lyrics...

"How Long Will I Love You"
(Single Version)

How long will I love you
As long as stars are above you
And longer if I can
How long will I need you
As long as the seasons need to
Follow their plan

How long will I be with you
As long as the sea is bound to
Wash up on the sand

How long will I want you
As long as you want me too
And longer by far
How long will I hold you
As long as your father told you
As long as you can

How long will I give to you
As long as I live through you
However long you say

How long will I love you
As long as stars are above you
And longer if I may

We're all traveling through time together
Every day of our lives
All we can do is do our best
To relish this remarkable ride

🎶👏😎😘 nice one for me. I barely remembered this song..

Monday, December 02, 2013


Either we choose to give up
We choose to move up
It's actually just doesn't suit us

Your call your choice
My call my choice

Realize, recognize, and decide. Then, move on.

Your decision might have been given effect from others. But the one who knock the nail is ourself. 
And so, drop the ball or not, never blame anyone else.

Thus, the journey shalt begin...