Sunday, April 06, 2008



one of this year's most controverting movie...

at first, I don't get either what this man actually means by making this kind of movie..

but, well anything happens for reasons..

before we yelling and shouting, and boycotting, and stuffs like that,,,
we should see what's exactly behind this...

emmm... according to his statement about this movie, I can say that he just doing what most people say..

I mean.. he made a realization of many people whispered..

but, well...
this is a global world..

maybe he should pay attention that this world is sensitive...


I am here just being NEUTRAL..

I haven't watch the movie yet..

so then, I cannot write too much,,,

It's just so interesting to me..


any other supporting or contra comment?

it's cool if we can have a great discussion, Right?


waktu lagi ngobrol2 sama Rama,, dia cerita dulu gimana dia terbeban dengan suatu jabatan atau titel yang harus disandangnya selama 1 semester tapi berdampak sampai seterusnya walau dia udah ga menyandang jabatan itu.

juga tentang beban yang harus dia bawa terus selama dia menjalankan jabatan itu..

bahkan, banyak yang mundur karena merasa jabatan itu terlalu berat dan bebannya terlalu besar..

ingat2 lagi tentang itu,
kadang aku merasa..
aku ga pernah merasakan sesuatu sampai terbeban banget kaya gitu,,,
bahkan di masa-masa UAS, dll jg ga ada yang jadi beban buat aku.....
that's why aku jalani hidup ini lempeng-lempeng aja..
dan thanks God..
everything's going fine......


ini semacam penyakit, atau sebenarnya cuma sugesti saja?